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Article: Reviews Compendium: Ray Tubes

Reviews Compendium: Ray Tubes

Reviews Compendium: Ray Tubes

Ray Tubes Reviews Roundup

Ray Tubes have definitely made some noise in the audiophile world—literally and figuratively. Whether it’s the RESERVE, SELECT, or CORE collections, they've been getting high-fives all around for their top-notch sound quality and reliability. 

But hey, you don’t have to take our word for it. We’ve done the dirty work of scouring the internet, digging through reviews from top audio geeks to give you the real scoop on Ray Tubes. From rave reviews to detailed sound breakdowns, we've compiled it all right here for your convenience. So kick back, relax, and enjoy our Ray Tubes reviews roundup.

Ray 6SN7 RESERVE Tubes

From Passion for Sound’s review of the Ray 6SN7 RESERVE Tubes, first published on February 22nd, 2024: 

 “The sense of authority is amazing. It blew my mind. It’s so tightly-controlled. There’s authority and presence and edginess. This reserve tube just controls everything better. A really significant change. It shocked me.” 

Ray 6SN7 SELECT Tubes

From Wave Theory’s review of the Ray 6SN7 SELECT Tubes, first published on January 30th, 2024: 

 “The image and spaces widened. The individual sonic images are bigger than with solid state. It’s smoother and more blended. A little bit less separation—but fuller.” 

From iiWi’s review of the Ray 6SN7 SELECT Tubes, first published on March 19th, 2024: 

 "They reveal plenty of details...edges are quick and snappy and very precise, while tone texture is quite obvious...they're very open in high frequencies....the sensation of air and space and big soundstage is great." 

From The Honest Audiophile’s review of the Ray 6SN7 SELECT Tubes, first published on February 25th, 2024: 

"It's not quite as thick and full as other tubes I've heard. It has a more airy has more of a focus on details and resolution and tone and timbre....and it has a great width and depth and layering. I was rather impressed."

From Prime Audio Reviews’ review of the Ray 6SN7 SELECT Tubes, first published on February 14th, 2024: 

"Quite a revelation. Never in the past have a heard such a significant change from stock tubes. They romanticize the sound, move away from clinical exactness and   favor a musical presentation. They provide lush tubiness." 

From Passion for Sound’s review of the Ray 6SN7 SELECT Tubes, first published on February 6th, 2024: 

"Clean-sounding, dynamic, and energetic. It's got sparkle and resolution in the top end. I love the balance it brings. The bass is full and tight and full of body. A great sense of texture and clarity at the top end. I like that it's neutral-sounding."

From Tharbamar’s review of the Ray 6SN7 SELECT Tubes, first published on April 20th, 2024: 

"I was totally impressed by it. The way that it improves the quietness, the clearness of the imaging, the holographic stereo image. The vocals are so realistic. It improves the clarity and micro-details." -Tharbamar

Ray 12AU7 SELECT Tubes

From Z Reviews’ review of the Apos Ray 12AU7 Tubes, first published on August 29th, 2023: 

"They add an overall veil of comfy."

From SoundNews’ review of the Apos Ray 12AU7 Tubes, first published on August 29th, 2023: 

" can hear more music and less noise...tight...smooth....warm....I do believe these are worth it if you want to improve the sound of your amplifier."

From Passion for Sound’s review of the Apos Ray 12AU7 Tubes, first published on September 19th, 2023: 

"A brilliant, brilliant new production tube. I don't have anything negative to say. I can't find any cons or negative with the Apos Ray tubes."

From Joshua Valour’s review of the Apos Ray 12AU7 Tubes, first published on September 25th, 2023: 

"In one word: coherent...compared to stock tubes they're more clear. They have a more well-defined and solid bass response. The real differences lie in the upper mid-range and treble response. The fidelity of the upper mid-range is actually quite significantly better than that of the stock tubes....the sound-staging width is a lot more substantial."

From iiWi’s review of the Apos Ray 12AU7 Tubes, first published on November 24th, 2023: 

"These proved to be so good, so resolving, yet never harsh, never annoying...instead they combine really smooth and natural sounds with higher-resolving, really open, really spacious sounds that we expect from great tubes."

From Tharbamar’s review of the Ray 6SN7 SELECT Tubes, first published on April 16th, 2024: 

"Total improvement in clarity, detail, and nuances, with tighter and more controlled bass." -Tharbamar

From Ecoustics’ review of the Apos Ray 12AU7 Tubes, first published on September 23rd, 2023: 

"The Apos Ray 12AU7s are not the least expensive options out there which is going to raise the ire of some. However, if you can find me a better option that delivers excellent sound quality, reliability, superior packaging, a 90-day warranty, and proper matching — I’m more than interested to compare them."

From Evshrug’s review of the Apos Ray 12AU7 Tubes, first published on November 29th, 2023: 

"In the context of featuring high performance, high value, and high confidence, Apos Ray tubes could be the last stop for many people looking for a great tube experience. The Rays are more comparable to solid state amps with low levels of euphonic and harmonic distortion, and they’re quite detailed, but they they do manage to sweeten the music a bit, striking a nice balance that doesn’t become so full bodied to become muddy while also doesn’t become so analytical that flaws distract from enjoying the music."

From betula’s review of the Apos Ray 12AU7 Tubes, first published on October 13th, 2023: 

"Where do I put the Apos Ray 12AU7s then on today's tube market map? I think they are excellent sounding 12AU7s and by far the best sounding new production tubes I have ever heard. They are able to compete with some 'new old stock' tubes, even sounding better than many of them. The Ray 12AU7s offer a very exciting, clear yet colourful and engaging sonic experience. They only start to fall a little short when we compare them directly to the most regarded NOS 12AU7s which are also significantly more expensive. If you also take reliability (dead silent, noise free) and the three months warranty into account, we might just be witnessing the birth of a winner! Apos Audio's first tubes sound great, they offer very good value, and their future plans are inspiring! What not to love?"

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