Compendium updated January 22nd, 2021.
Schiit’s entry-level DAC/amp line is a popular choice for budding audiophiles looking to make the leap into “serious” gear. Lovingly called the “Schitt stack,” this line includes the Modi, Loki, and Magni. Ten years and three generations of the “the stack” have brought us the Schiit Modi 3+ DAC, a sleek and powerful unit that ranks among the best entry-level DACs around.
We’ve compiled reviews from across the web for your reference. What you’ll find here are the TLDR versions of the full reviews (which you can access with the provided links). We’ll continue updating this compendium as more reviews come in.
From Audio Science Review's review of the Schiit Modi 3+ DAC, first published on December 17th, 2020:

“The ranking is quite good although the game has advanced by some other competitors:

“And zoomed:

“...Linearity is very good and shows attention to detail:

“...When it comes to DACs -- even budget ones -- we are quite spoiled. The industry through fierce competition has really sneezed every bit of noise and distortion given the cost constraints. The Schiit Modi 3+ is also in that game but as noted in the review, a small step behind. In return you get a US made and supported product, matching any other Schiit gear you may have.
“So while I can't gush over its performance since it doesn't best the category, I am happy to still recommend the Schiit Modi 3+.”
Editor’s note: Emphases ours.