How Apos đť’™ Feedback Changed the Apos x MattyBlue Wall-Mounted Audio Rack

How Your Feedback Shaped the MattyBlue Wall-mounted Audio Rack

A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to check out the prototype of the Apos x MattyBlue Wall-mounted Audio Rack and provide feedback. Your comments were so helpful in creating a better product. Here’s a rundown of the changes Matt made based on your input....


  • A lot of you mentioned the price as a barrier to purchasing the rack. We heard you loud and clear. Through design changes and better negotiations for components and shipping, we were able to get the price below $500. 

Color and Finish

  • A lot of you, including elphcontrol, suggested lighter and cleaner colors. Matt is now making the Rack with a natural (clear) oil finish, which gives a traditional slightly yellow tint. 
  • theotherwillsmith suggested orange. Matt agrees: “That would be amazing! Custom orders are welcome.”


  • The prototype used a mix of Baltic Birch plywood and lower-grade plywood. The production version will be 100% Baltic Birch for higher quality.

Design Changes

  • Some folks didn’t love the rectangular cutouts on the vertical shelf stanchions. Matt has removed these, making the verticals solid for a more substantial feel.
  • myownbiggestfan suggested circular cutouts in the horizontal shelf supports instead of rectangular ones. Matt said “Great call!” He made the change, giving the rack more of an industrial/aviation look.

Shelf Leveling and Vibration Damping

  • Matt kept the leveling feature for the top shelf (ideal for turntables) but removed it for the bottom shelf to reduce costs.
  • Similarly, he retained the constrained layer vibration damping feature on the top shelf but removed it from the bottom shelf for the same reason. Keeping these features on the top shelf ensures a better vinyl listening experience.

Wire Management

  • While the prototype had a panel behind the middle shelf to hide wires, folks like kskapins suggested a better solution. Matt redesigned the rack to create space between the back and the wall for wires.
  • Leeper suggested adding holes in the back for strain relief for cables. Matt incorporated this great idea, allowing users to use Velcro straps for strain relief.

Mounting and Stability

  • To address concerns about weight capacity, the rack will now hang on the wall with a French cleat at the top. This also provides room for wires between the back and the wall. The bottom of the rack attaches to the wall with screws into drywall anchors. This secures it to the wall and also locks the french cleat mechanism. 

While Matt couldn’t incorporate every single suggestion due to cost constraints, he did his best to include as many as possible. The racks will proudly be manufactured in the US, allowing for low-volume, high-quality production. 

Thank you again for your fantastic feedback and for helping Matt create a product we can all be proud of!